January 21, 2021



January 21, 2021


Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Meeting recording is available upon request


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Nield at 7:00 p.m. Present were trustees Mr. Allen, Mr. Kelsey, Mr. Giles and Mr.

Melvin. Also in attendance were Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent; Mr. Phinney, Special Programs; and Ms. Searby, District Clerk. Additional Administrators were  in attendance via Zoom. 



AGENDA: Ryan Melvin motioned to approve the Agenda as posted, Curtis Giles seconded. The motion carried 5–0. 


FLAG SALUTE:  Everyone stood and participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Principal Reports:


  • Mrs. Garner – KES has created a list of students who have not been engage during remote days – 59 students, with two or fewer assignments, to help them adjust by reaching out to those families and bring them in for some one on one help based on grade level. They are also currently working with transportation and food service to provide full services. These services will be available half days on Friday’s to students.  
  • Mr. Hill – SES is working closely with KES and implementing similar goals. Their list holds 50 students currently struggling with the remote Friday assignments. Face to face invites will occur during parent teacher conferences with parents when teachers can discuss what support is need for them during remote learning.  
  • Mr. Schvaneveldt – KMS - Any student who would like to be in person on Friday’s will be welcome. KMS will be targeting Tier 11 Students who are struggling and showing multiple D’s/F’s. This will fluctuate week to week based on the previous week’s grades. Each Friday will include four period classes, fifty minutes each. Students will rotate between the four classes. Students with behavior issues possibly will also be brought in on these Friday to make up assignments.
  • Mr. White – KHS “Intervention” Friday – Very similar to KMS schedule. Students will be required to be there if they have two or more D’s or F’s. Hours will be 9-12. Teachers will be there for in person instruction based on coordinating Red or White day classes. List will be provided on Wednesday each week for the upcoming Friday.  
  • Marygrace – ELL will follow building plans and offering assistance on remote Friday’s. Special Education is going to follow suit as well. 
  • All Administrators said that their Staff are evolving each month and utilizing the Friday’s efficiently and finding that balance to give curriculum for remote Fridays that will be “fair” for all kinds of learners.





CORRESPONDENCE: Thank you cards from Staff members.  


FINANCIAL REPORT: Laurie Wirtz reported to the board on the financial report. Stimulus money, receiving

$584,000.00 in March, making plans on what this money will be utilized for. Healthy balance in general fund, same in bond and interest account. Curtis Giles moved to approve Ryan Melvin seconded. The motion carried 5-0.



RISE CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE: Things have been moving very quickly as of late for RISE Charter School. Applications are currently being accepted for interested students with March 22nd being the lottery date. RISE did not receive the Federal grant but they are working on reapplying and also working with Albertson’s Foundation to see if they would assist if the other does not come through. RISE will be hosting a virtual informational meeting on February 11th. They are currently on course for opening next Fall. No motion was needed. 


*Chad Allen had to step out of the meeting for personal business.  


KSD COLOR STAGE: Jo Horting, KSD Nurse, joined to update the Board. Currently KSD has 4 positive with 15 presumed positive cases. There has been a decrease in numbers of students sent home with symptoms. Parents are being more cautious and keeping children home when needed. There has been a gentle rise over the last few weeks. Ryan Melvin moved to remain in Green district wide, Curtis Giles seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Ryan Melvin did mention that we eventually need to come up with an exit strategy.  







CONSENT AGENDA: Ryan Melvin moved to approve the consent agenda, Zachary Kelsey seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


  • Approve district invoices   
  • Approve school invoices  
  • Approve food service expenditures 
  • Approve meeting minutes for December 17, 2020, January 7, 2021 
  • FY21 fundraiser calendar 
  • Surplus items – none 



APPROVE ADDITIONAL INVOICES: Curtis Giles moved to approve the additional invoices, Chad Allen seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.



  • Set Regular board meeting time, date and location – Ryan Melvin motioned to continue with the practice of having the regular scheduled board meeting on the Third Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the district office. Special board meetings will be evaluated as needed. Curtis Giles seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
  • Elect Officers – Chair and Vice-Chair – Chad Allen moved to elect Myron Nield as Board Chairperson, Ryan Melvin seconded that motion. The motion carried 5-0. Curtis Giles motioned to elect Ryan Melvin as Vice-Chairperson, Zach Kelsey seconded. The motion carried 5-0.
  • Appoint Secretary and Treasurer – Curtis Giles moved  to approve Cassandra Searby as secretary and Laurie Wirtz as treasure. Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0.


BUS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL:  Mr. Schroeder explained that the state gives deprecation (reimbursement) over 4 years when you purchase new. Five year lease to own on new buses, we are then able to make payments on the depreciation, this has allowed the district to update the fleet yearly. Two of our current buses only one more payment and then will be completely paid off. Curtis Giles moved to approve the bus request for proposal of a 77-78 Passenger traditional bus. Chad Allen seconded. The motion carried 5-0. 


REMOTE DAY SURVEY RESULTS:  The board decided to hold off on decision at this time and table a decision until they can look at more data. They have requested that administrators collect academic data and present at the next board meeting. 


KEA REQUEST TO NEGOTIATE PENDING RESTORATION OF FY21 – Mr. Schroeder’s reported to the board his recommendation to reopen FY21 negotiations contingent the legislature’s decision. Ryan Melvin moved to approve this recommendation as stated above, Curtis Giles seconded. The motion carried 5-0.




  • Good Stories to Share – Governor’s proposal on changing athletic spectator Stage 2 order to allow for a percentage of facility space. Allow FFA to be moved from virtual to in person. Points Kimberly had for academics was by far leading all other 3A schools and not far behind 4A. Top ranked schools. 
  • Day on the Hill - February 15th (Virtual) 
  • Taking Care of Teacher Day – Has been a tradition for 6 years now. Keynote speaker was Sam Glenn with educators participating in breakout sessions after. 
  • FY22 Calendar Committee is being assembled. Recommendations will hopefully be presented at the next board meeting.




Curtis Giles moved and Ryan Melvin seconded the motion to approve the personnel report. The motion carried 5-0.





  • Lawrence Pfefferle  
  • Tawny Christensen   


ADJOURNMENT: Curtis Giles moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 pm and Ryan Melvin seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.




______________________________________            _______________________________

Myron Nield, Chairman                                                  Cassandra Searby, Clerk