Policy 5450 - Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage

Electronic mail (“e-mail”) is defined as a communications tool whereby electronic messages are prepared, sent and retrieved on personal computers. On-line services (i.e., the Internet) are defined as a communications tool whereby information, reference material and messages are sent and retrieved electronically on personal computers.

Because of the unique nature of e-mail/Internet, and because of the District’s desire to protect its interest with regard to its electronic records, the following rules have been established to address e-mail/Internet usage by all employees:

  • The District e-mail and Internet systems are intended to be used for educational purposes.
  • Use for informal or personal purposes is permissible within reasonable limits.
  • All e-mail/ Internet records are considered District records and should be transmitted only to individuals who have a need to receive them.
  • Additionally, District records, e-mail/Internet records are subject to disclosure to law enforcement or government officials or to other third parties through subpoena or other process. Consequently, employees should always ensure that the educational information contained in e-mail/Internet messages is accurate, appropriate and lawful.
  • E-mail/Internet messages by employees may not necessarily reflect the views of the District.
  • Abuse of the e-mail or Internet systems, through excessive personal use, or use in violation of the law or District policies, will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

While the District does not intend to regularly review employees’ e-mail/Internet records, employees have no right or expectation of privacy in e-mail or the Internet. The District provides e-mail and Internet access and requires employees to use them in the performance of their duties for the District. All school district business conducted electronically will be done so utilizing Kimberly School District provided services.  Access to non-district services for the purpose of collaboration related to district assigned duties may be approved by an immediate supervisor on a limited time, case by case basis. E-mail messages and Internet records are to be treated like shared paper files, with the expectation that anything in them is available for review.

The use of this policy is coordinated with the District provided Internet Services Policy #’s 3612 R and  3612 F. 

Policy History:
Adopted on: Nov. 21, 2003
Revised on: August 19, 2015