Attendance Policy


Kimberly high school recognizes the importance of attendance and punctuality to obtain maximum educational opportunities. Frequent absences disrupt the continuity of the instructional process. Students who miss school frequently have difficulty achieving success in the classroom. Students who are absent interrupt the educational process of other students by disrupting the teacher who must provide special attention to those who have been absent.

A student may receive a Failure due to Attendance (FA) grade in the subject when the student is absent in excess of five (5) times per class per semester on the block schedule. If the class meets everyday for zero hour, they will receive an FA grade if they exceed 10 absences.  Absence from school for any reason other than school related activities and/or doctor excused (or any health professional) will be counted towards the five days.

When students are absent from class due to school related activities is considered an educational experience and does not fall within the limits of this attendance policy, but it is subject to the school make-up policy.

Parent(s) or guardian(s)s will be asked to validate each absence by calling the school attendance office by 10:00am on the day of their child’s absence or by bringing a note to the Attendance office upon returning to school. All absences must be verified by a parent or legal guardian. Absences that are not verified will be counted as truancies after seven calendar days. To reach the attendance office please call 208-423-4170 You may leave a voice mail 24 hours a day.

Medical excuses must be verified with a medical note from a doctor in the attendance office within forty-eight (48) hours of the student's return to school. Students with a continuing illness will be required to furnish a written statement from the doctor who is treating the condition each school year. This statement must also verify the inclusive dates of treatment and the amount of time required for necessary recuperation and absences from school. This verification must be submitted within forty-eight (48) hours to the school attendance office upon the student’s return to school. When a student is marked, doctors excused (D), any due dates should be extended by the number of days missed due to medical reasons. Medical, funeral, and court related absences can be waived with proper documentation and not be counted towards an FA grade.

STUDENTS MUST CHECK OUT OF SCHOOL BY SIGNING OUT AT THE OFFICE AND MAY ONLY LEAVE WHEN THE OFFICE HAS PRIOR WRITTEN OR VERBAL PARENT/GUARDIAN APPROVAL. Failure to follow proper check-out procedures will result in truancy. When you are counted truant, you must serve (1) hour of detention, either before school, after school, or at Saturday school. The time can be broken into two 30-minute detentions.

The parent(s)/ guardian(s) will be informed by the office when their child has accumulated six (6) absences and is in danger of receiving an FA grade due to lack of attendance. The student must make up the missed seat time by attending 1 hour of detention before school, after school, or at Saturday school for each absence beyond the 5th absence. For example, if a student has 8 absences in a class, they need to make up 3 hours of seat time. Failure to make up seat time will result in an FA for each class over 5 absences regardless of their academic grade.

If a family has a unique situation that caused their child to miss more than 5 days of school not covered by a school activity or doctor excused absence, they may appeal to the KHS Attendance Committee made up of the principal, vice-principal, school counselor, and two teachers appointed by the principal. The parent(s)/guardian(s) and child must meet in person with the Attendance Committee to request an exemption from an FA grade. The committee will convene on the last month of each semester on a "as needed" basis.

Students may appeal once per semester and will remain on an attendance contract for the entire school year. The appeals procedure is not intended to be an ongoing class by class, semester by semester process.

A student who has missed 10 consecutive days without parent validation may be withdrawn from the school for non-attendance.

It is the belief of the staff of Kimberly High School that assigned work is given to enhance learning and instill responsibility. Homework requests can be made when a student is absent (2) or more consecutive days in a row.

One (1) day will be given for make-up for each day absent (for any reason) with the following exceptions:

  1. Students who are absent (for any reason) on the day the pre-assigned work is due will hand it in the day they return. Pre-assigned exams will be taken the day the student returns.
  2. Due dates on long term assignments: i.e., term papers, class projects, long reading assignment, etc. Must be met despite absences.
  3. Assignments due on the day of a school activity must be turned in prior to leaving.
  4. Variations in the above make up policy may be made at the discretion of the teacher.

In view of the importance of establishing good work habits in students and the disruptive nature of irregular arrival of students to a classroom, the following concepts have been adopted:

  1. Tardiness is defined as any appearance of the student beyond the scheduled time that the school day or class begins.
  2. Students who are tardy by twenty (20) minutes or more to school or any class are considered to be absent. The student must have his/her parent (s)/guardian(s) verify this absence. If this absence is not verified, it will become a truancy.
  3. All tardies reset to (0) at the start of a new semester.

Consequences of excessive tardies:

When a student reaches their 4th unexcused tardy in any class, they will be assigned detention. As a student accrues more unexcused tardies, they will have tiered system of consequences.

Unexcused tardiesNumber of minutes
10th1 day of ISS


If a student is truant for the entire day, they will receive a day of ISS (in-school suspension). Students who are truant during part of the school day will be assigned detention or work detail. 

Policy 3122 Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy
The entire process of education requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study in order to reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for each individual child. The regular contact of the students with one another in the classroom and their participation in instructional activities under the tutelage of a competent teacher are vital to this purpose. This is an established principle of education that underlies and gives purpose to the requirement of compulsory schooling in this and every other state in the nation. The good things that schools have to offer can only be presented to students who are in attendance. With continued emphasis regarding Excellence in Education, all parties involved in attendance can better strive for quality in the classroom.

Attendance reflects a student’s dependability and is a significant factor on the student’s permanent record. Future employers are as much concerned about punctuality and dependability as they are about academic record. School success, scholarship, and job opportunity are greatly affected by good attendance.

Kimberly Public School District expects all students to attend school regularly and be on time for all classes in order to benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self discipline, and responsibility.


  1. A student will not be given credit for any class, if the student has exceeded the number of absences (excused and unexcused) set by each school level. Building principals, at their discretion, may grant a waiver of the attendance violation granting the student credit if the violation is a result of extenuating circumstances. 
  2. A parent/student may, in writing, request an Attendance Review Committee hearing to appeal the “FA” (failure due to attendance violation) grade and lack of credit for the class due to an attendance violation. Membership and the role of the Attendance Review Committee will be established by the building level principal. It is the parent and student’s responsibility to contact the principal of the school to schedule this hearing. Appeals of the Attendance Review Committee’s decision will be taken to the superintendent. Appeals of the superintendent’s decision will be taken to the Kimberly Board of Trustees whose decision is final.  


  1. Prohibited Acts: Any person between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16) years of age, living in the city/county of Twin Falls who is deemed truant from school or class, under the attendance regulations of the school, without the consent of the student’s parent/guardian or school officials is guilty of a status offense.
  2. Attendance Required: The parent or guardian of any child resident in this State who has attained the age of (7) years at the time of the commencement of school in his district, but not the age of sixteen (16) years, shall cause the child to be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools for the State of Idaho. Unless the child is otherwise comparably instructed, the parent or guardian shall cause the child to attend a public, private or parochial school during a period in each year equal to that in which the public schools are in session; there to conform to the attendance policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees, or other governing body, operating the school attended.
  3. Exceptions: Any exceptions to this requirement are as codified by any school district in which the student attended or, as contained in Idaho Code, title 33, Chapter 2 are hereby recognized and given full force and effect.

Policies and procedures to clear an absence are set by each individual school and noted in the student handbook. Parents/guardians of students that will be considered un-excused will be contacted by the school. 

An excused absence is given via verification and permission of the parent/guardian. Excessive days of illness resulting in an attendance violation could require a physician’s written statement. Students and families are expected to work with teachers to secure assignments, and students are responsible to complete any necessary makeup assignments. Failure to return the completed work to the teacher in a reasonable time may result in a late grade for that assignment (Refer to policy 2420 regarding late assignments.)  A reasonable length of time is generally considered to be within the same number of days the student was absent. The principal of the school is granted the authority to make exceptions based on individual/family needs. 

TRUANCY - Defined
A student is considered to be truant whenever he/she is absent from school or class without the consent of the student’s parent/guardian or school officials. Absences from school or class after arrival at school and departures from school during the school day without permission of school officials shall be considered a truancy. A truancy is a major disciplinary violation and parents/guardians will be notified. After the fourth truancy, in any school year, the Board authorizes the building principal to declare a student habitually truant. Valid reasons for absences include illness, purposes concerning family operations, and other reasons deemed significant by parents and school officials.

An un-excused absence given when permission to be absent has not been given/verified by a parent/guardian or a school official and may be considered a truancy. Allowing credit for assignments missed due to an un-excused absence will be at the discretion of the building administration. 

Tardy policies and procedures will be set by each individual school and noted in the student handbook. 

On occasion, a student may miss classes because of athletic or academic field trips. These are not considered absences, but rather an extension of the regular school program. Assignments missed will be given the same consideration as an excused absence. 

Ten (10) Consecutive Absences 
In the event a student is absent ten (10) consecutive days the student will be dropped from enrollment. The principal will ensure that there has been communication with the parent/guardian regarding the absences. Building level principals may choose to keep a student enrolled, that has missed ten (10) consecutive days, if the absences are due to medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances. Principals should refer to policy 2155 Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction, to determine if the student qualifies for the services identified in the policy. 

Policy History: 
Revised: 9/15/94; January 1998; June 1999; May 2002; April 8, 2003; October 20, 2010; September 21, 2016; February 20, 2019.