Algebra 1
This course provides the algebraic foundation for advanced mathematics. Students will work to develop the traditional algebraic skills while discovering how algebra applies to life. Grade level: 9
This course explores the fundamental concepts of geometry, including points, lines, planes, angles, and their relationships. Students will study properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons, as well as circles, transformations, congruence, and similarity. Additional topics include coordinate geometry, three-dimensional figures, and introductory trigonometry. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and real-world applications. This course provides a strong foundation for advanced mathematics and is essential for careers in engineering, architecture, design, and other technical fields.
Prerequisite: Algebra Grade level: 9, 10
Principles of Algebra and Geometry
In order to be successful in high school you have to be able to pass Algebra, Geometry and at least one other course. This course is designed to focus on the basics that are required to do so. We will be covering the content necessary to be successful in Algebra, Geometry, and to move on to more challenging courses.
Prerequiste: Completion of Algebra and Geometry and Teacher recommendation Grade level: 11
Algebra 2
In Algebra I, you studied linear and quadratic relationships. In Algebra II, we will spend our time expanding our understanding of these relationships, (functions), to include trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and rational. While these ideas may seem foreign now, you will gain control of the vocabulary and the mathematics.
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra and Geometry, or completion of Algebra and a concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2.
Grade level: 9, 10 and 11
College Algebra
This course includes fundamental concepts of Algebra; equations and inequalities; functions and graphs; polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and inequalities; the Binomial Theorem.
Prerequiste: Algebra 2 Grade level: 10, 11 and 12 *CSI dual credit available
Math in Modern Society
This survey course provides an opportunity to acquire an appreciation of the nature of mathematics and its relation to other aspects of our culture. The course is rigorous but not rigid and applies mathematics to real-world problems.
Grade level: 12 CSI dual credit available
This is a single course equivalent to College Algebra (Math 143) plus Trigonometry (Math144). This course includes fundamental concepts of Algebra; equations and inequalities; functions and graphs; polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and inequalities; the Binomial Theorem. In trigonometry the course covers right triangle and circular function approaches to trigonometry, graphs of trig functions, trig identities, conditional equations, right and non-right triangle applications of trigonometry, inverse trig functions, trigonometry of complex numbers including DeMoivre's Theorem, polar coordinates and equations, parametric equations.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 Grade level: 10, 11 and 12 CSI dual credit available
"This is the first course in the calculus sequence. It covers algebraic and transcendental functions, rate of change, limits, continuity, differentiation of algebraic, trig, exponential, logarithmic, and hyperbolic functions, differentials, applications of differentiation, definite and indefinite integrals, area between curves, volumes and other applications of integration, indeterminate forms, and L'Hopital's Rule."
Prerequisite: Precalculus Grade level: 10, 11 and 12 CSI dual credit available
This course will give the student a strong understanding of the topics in Elementary Statistics in order to prepare them for higher-level mathematics courses with an Introductory Statistics prerequisite. Statistical analysis skills acquired can be applied in a business setting after graduation. Elementary Statistics is a general education course, which fulfills the math requirement for some majors. General education in Mathematics develops the understanding of mathematics as a language which permits the student to express, define, and answer questions about the world.
Grade level: 12 CSI dual credit available