Policy 8520 - Inspection of School Facilities

Inspection of School Facilities
To ensure the safety and health of children and staff, the District shall, at least once a year subject the facilities of the district to an independent inspection for the purposes of determining whether such facilities comply with safety and health standards and other codes and requirements of Idaho law. The safety inspection will be conducted by a professionally qualified independent inspector or done pursuant to Title 39, Chapter 80, Idaho Code. The safety inspection report shall be provided to the Board of Trustees and to the administrator of the division of building safety for review.

After having the opportunity to review the inspection report, the Board shall identify any unsafe or unhealthy conditions and take the necessary steps to abate such conditions. Should any unsafe and unhealthy conditions remain beyond the school year in which such conditions were reported, the Board shall identify such conditions as not having been abated and take all necessary steps as soon as is practical to abate such conditions.

For purposes of this policy, the term “facilities” means school buildings, administration buildings, playgrounds, athletic fields or any other facilities or property used by school children or school personnel in the normal course of educational services.

Emergency Evacuation Plan
The District shall ensure the safety and health of students and staff by having in place at all times an Emergency Evacuation Plan. The District will cooperate and coordinate with city, county, and state emergency personnel. The District shall review its emergency evacuation plan annually to determine whether the procedures in place require modification. The Plan will be posted in the District Office as well as in every school building in the District. The Plan will be provided to each staff ember at the beginning of the school year. In addition, the Plan will be available to parents and patrons at all times.

Cross Reference:
8300 - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
8510 - District Safety

Legal Reference:
I.C. § 33-1613 Safe public school facilities required
IDAPA Safe environment and discipline

Policy History:
Anticipated First Reading: April 16, 2009
Adopted on: May 21, 2009
Revised on: