Matthew Belliston

Matthew Belliston
Matthew Belliston

Matt started learning music by sitting next to his older siblings as they practiced accordion and piano.  He participated in band, choir and musical theatre in school.  He has earned a Bachelor's in Music Education from the University of Utah (2010), and a Master's in Music Education from Carnegie Mellon University (2016).  He has taught K-12 in many different schools and classes.  Whether it's playing music with his family at home, or directing a choir, music has always been a part of Matt's life.  Matt wants people of all walks of life, of all ages, in all career fields to be able to unwind and enjoy creating music and theatre on or off stage. 

Concert Choir

Concert Choir
Mr. Belliston – Room 137
Phone: 208-423-4170 ext. 3137

Welcome to Concert Choir! In this performance-centered class, students will learn vocal technique, music theory and sight-reading skills necessary to perform a varied repertoire of music. There will be at least one performance per semester and repertoire will be taken from large choral works, madrigals, contemporary music, spirituals, and more. There are no prerequisites and it can be taken as a semester or complete year.

Grading (per semester): Students will be held to a high standard of academic integrity. As we remain flexible, the following breakdown is to be determined as the semester goes. The percentages are approximate.

Attendance and Participation50%
Written Work – Post-performance Evaluations & Music Theory 15%
Assessments – Sight-Singing & Memorization 20%


Attendance & Participation

  • Students will earn up to 10 points (5 points per class) a week.  
    • 3 points for showing up on time and participating well. 
    • 2 points for each class they come prepared with music folder, one-to-one device and pencil. 

      Having their supplies will help them learn the music best. If students repeatedly forget their music, they may be asked to not perform with the group. Pencils will be available on Mr. Belliston’s desk, but students who repeatedly borrow will need to spend lunch incentive sharpening pencils. Marking music with a pencil will be checked periodically and be part of the participation grade. 

  • Students will have 2 absences and 1 tardy per semester that will not count against them. Beyond the allowable absences (2) and tardy (1), make-up work for missed classes will only be given for emergency situations (i.e.: funeral, illness, hospitalization or other significant emergencies. Family vacation, lunch date with parent, etc. will count as the two (2) allowable absences but will NOT count as emergency situations). After 6 absences, regardless of reason for absence, special determinations may need to be made since participation, attendance, and performances could be adversely affected by missing so many classes.
  • Students may only use electronic devices with permission of the teacher. If a cell phone is used without permission, the student will take it to the office. Please review the school cell phone policy. If another electronic device is used, without permission, the student will leave it on the teacher's desk until the end of class. 
  • Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Other food or drink, including gum, is not allowed in class or rehearsal spaces. Students may leave food on the shelf at the sink to pick up after class. Students who do not leave it on the shelf will lose up to 2 points. 
  • Students will engage in class and participate fully. Participation is the largest measure of success.
  • Students are expected to follow student handbook behavior and dress guidelines. 
  • Students are part of a team, which requires trust and vulnerability. For the students to succeed, members are expected to be honest, respectful, and kind to everyone, both in and out of class. Any behavior that pulls away from the team (bullying, lack of participation, poor effort, etc.) can result in points deducted in participation or the role/responsibility given to another student.
  • In addition to losing participation points for not following directions, behaviors will be logged on edHub and administration will follow through with discipline

Performances & Concert Attire 

  • Students need to attend scheduled performances. Each student will arrive by the designated call time, in proper concert attire, with proper hygiene and grooming, focused and ready to work. Students who arrive after call time, or who arrive at call time without meeting the other expectations will lose points for performance. Any conflict with a performance must be communicated with the teacher before the event to receive any make-up work.  
  • Make-up work will be given on a case-by-case basis. Students can earn up to 90% depending on the circumstances. The ensemble relies on everyone attending. 
  • Concert attire will be concert black. Black shirts, pants, dress, skirts, dress shoes, black socks or nylons/tights. I have several sizes and styles available for students to borrow. Students will need to bring in their clothes to check off before the first performance.
  • Students should maintain proper hygiene for concerts. Please don’t come sweaty after sports practice. Please be clean and use deodorant. Body sprays and perfumes should not be used. They can irritate those with allergies or respiratory problems making it difficult for them to perform.

Memorization & Sight-Singing Assessments 

  • Students will perform their music memorized and will be asked to have periodic memorization tests in preparation for each performance. Students who fail to meet these memorization tests may be asked to sit out of the performance of that piece. Students are still expected to attend the performance in its entirety, regardless of whether they will perform every piece. These will be submitted on canvas, performed for the teacher, or performed in small groups for the class.  
  • Sight Reading Factory will be used again this year. Students will practice and be tested on their ability to sight-read music alone and with a group. Students will be expected to demonstrate proper vocal technique, pitch, rhythm, and solfege accuracy. 

Evaluations & Music Theory 

  • Students will do written evaluations of performances they participate in or others they may attend.  
  • The students will do music theory lessons and assessments throughout the semester. These will be on canvas and 


Calendar (subject to change) We are still working on locations to allow students to perform in auditoriums, concert halls and churches for better acoustics. Please leave the full day open for the students to rehearse, set-up and perform. If involved in another activity, please let Mr. Belliston know. Most performances will be at 7:00pm.

Spring Trip Parent Meeting Wednesday, August 28 @ 6pm in the music room 
All-State Auditions DueFriday, October 11 ($10 per ensemble audition)
Fall ConcertMonday, October 28
District Honor ClinicNovember 6-7 (Twin Falls High School. ONLY for those invited)
St. Nick FestivalSaturday, December 7
Kimberly’s Got TalentRehearsal: Friday, January 10, Performance: Monday, January 13
All-State FestivalJan 29–Feb 1 (Lewiston ONLY for those who audition and make it.)
The Little MermaidFebruary 20-Mar 1 (only musical theatre students perform)
District Solo and Ensemble March 4 (CSI. All day and everyone will prepare something.)
Spring TripTBA 
District FestivalApril 15-16 (Burley. We will only attend one of those days)
End of Year Concert RehearsalMonday, April 28


  • Please add yourself to this class remind by using the app or texting 81010 the code @choir-bell
  • Remind will be used for announcements and for parents/students to message me via my cell phone. 
  • You can always use my email but please do not use my personal cell phone number.

The National Association for Music Education has released the following statement regarding music with a sacred text.

  • “It is the position of the National Association for Music Education that the study and performance of religious music within an educational context is a vital and appropriate part of a comprehensive music education. The omission of sacred music from the school curriculum would result in an incomplete educational experience.” In my class, if a student has personal beliefs that do not permit him or her to perform or rehearse a certain piece of music, notice must be given within a week of it being introduced, so an alternate assignment may be given.  If notice is not given, no alternate assignment will be given and the student will lose points for lack of participation if he/she chooses not to rehearse/perform the piece.


Mr. Belliston – Room 137 
Phone: 208-423-4170 ext. 3137 

Welcome to Guitar! In class we will create music and play along with old and new tunes while learning the basics of guitar. Students will need to provide their own guitar and will need to play and sing in class. There is no prerequisite. Guitarists of all skills levels are welcome to join this class. There will be opportunities for students to perform at the choir concerts, but they will not be required. 


  • Pencil(s) 
  • Guitar Books (provided) 
  • Guitar (there are some school guitars available first come, first served basis)
  • Tuner or tuning app 
  • One-to-one device

Grading (per semester): Please be flexible with the grading and the percentages here are approximate.

Attendance and Participation50%
Song Pass Offs (5-8 per semester)20%
Written Assessments (4-6 per semester)15%
Performances (2 per semester)15%

Attendance, Participation & Citizenship: 
Students will earn up to 10 points (5 points per class) a week. 

  • 3 points for showing up on time and participating well. 
  • 2 points for each class they are prepared with materials. 

Students will have 2 absences and 1 tardy per semester that will not count against them. Beyond the allowable absences (2) and tardy (1), make-up work for missed classes will only be given for emergency situations (i.e.: funeral, illness, hospitalization or other significant emergencies. Documentation will be required. Family vacation, lunch date with parent, doctor’s appointments, etc. will count as the two (2) allowable absences but will NOT count as emergency situations). After 6 absences, regardless of reason for absence, special determinations may need to be made since participation, attendance, and performances could be adversely affected by missing so many classes. 

Students will arrive with a guitar, pencil, paper, and computer for every class. If a student comes to class unprepared, participation points will be docked. 

Students may only use electronic devices with permission of the teacher. If a cell phone is used without permission, the teacher will ask the student to take it to the office and participation points will be docked. Laptops and other devices will be left on the teacher’s desk until the end of class. 

Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Other food or drink, including gum, is not allowed in class. Participation points may be docked if students make a mess of the music room or other spaces we may use to rehearse. 

Students will engage in class and participate fully. Participation is the largest measure of success. 

Students are expected to follow student handbook behavior and dress guidelines. 

Students are expected to be honest, respectful, and kind to everyone, both in and out of class. Any disrespectful behavior (bullying, lack of participation, poor effort, etc.) can result in points deducted in participation and administrative discipline. 

Song Pass Offs, Written Assessments & Performances: 

Students will be expected to pass off 5-8 songs each semester that will demonstrate their knowledge of technique, chords, and music theory. Students will play alone or with the group while singing. 

Written work will include quizzes on music theory and chords/notes on the guitar.

Students will perform alone or with a group two (2) pieces of music in class or posted on canvas. The piece must be approved by the teacher at least one (1) week in advance. All lyrics and themes should be appropriate or edited for an educational setting.

Honor Choir

Honor Choir 
Mr. Belliston – Room 137 
Phone: 208-423-4170 ext. 3137 

Welcome to Honor Choir! This is a fast-paced, advanced, performance-centered choir class for students who pass an audition. Students will continue their vocal, music theory and sight-reading skills as they learn a varied repertoire of music and present a high standard of quality for Kimberly High School in performance and citizenship. Students will participate in many performances with concert choir and musical theatre and in other settings at community and school events. Parent involvement is very encouraged to make performance and activities most enjoyable. Please return the slip on the best way for me and the parent organization to contact you. You can also add yourself and your kid to Remind so you can get text message alerts for events. To perform with the group, students must have a B in this class and have a C average in all their classes. 

Grading (per semester): This is a rigorous course and the students will be held to a high standard. As we remain flexible, the following breakdown is to be determined as the semester goes. The percentages are approximate.  


Attendance and Participation 




Written Work – Post-performance Evaluations & Music Theory 


Assessments – Sight-Singing & Memorization 



Attendance & Participation 

  • Students will earn up to 10 points (5 points per class) a week.  
  • 3 points for showing up on time and participating well. 
  • 2 points for each class they come prepared with music folder, one-to-one device and pencil. 

Having their supplies will help them learn the music best. If students repeatedly forget their music, they may be asked to not perform with the group. Pencils will be available on Mr. Belliston’s desk, but students who repeatedly borrow will need to spend lunch incentive sharpening pencils. Marking music with a pencil will be checked periodically and be part of the participation grade. 

  • Students will have 2 absences and 1 tardy per semester that will not count against them. Beyond the allowable absences (2) and tardy (1), make-up work for missed classes will only be given for emergency situations (i.e.: funeral, illness, hospitalization or other significant emergencies. Family vacation, lunch date with parent, etc. will count as the two (2) allowable absences but will NOT count as emergency situations). After 6 absences, regardless of reason for absence, special determinations may need to be made since participation, attendance, and performances could be adversely affected by missing so many classes. 
  • Students may only use electronic devices with permission of the teacher. If a cell phone is used without permission, the student will take it to the office. Please review the school cell phone policy. If another electronic device is used, without permission, the student will leave it on the teacher's desk until the end of class. 
  • Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Other food or drink, including gum, is not allowed in class or rehearsal spaces. Students may leave food on the shelf at the sink to pick up after class. Students who do not leave it on the shelf will lose up to 2 points. 
  • Students will engage in class and participate fully. Participation is the largest measure of success. 
  • Students are expected to follow student handbook behavior and dress guidelines.  
  • Students are part of a team, which requires trust and vulnerability. For the students to succeed, members are expected to be honest, respectful, and kind to everyone, both in and out of class. Any behavior that pulls away from the team (bullying, lack of participation, poor effort, etc.) can result in points deducted in participation or the role/responsibility given to another student. 
  • In addition to losing participation points for not following directions, behaviors will be logged on edHub and administration will follow through with discipline. 

Performances & Concert Attire 

  • Students need to attend scheduled performances. Each student will arrive by the designated call time, in proper concert attire, with proper hygiene and grooming, focused and ready to work. Students who arrive after call time, or who arrive at call time without meeting the other expectations will lose points for performance. Any conflict with a performance must be communicated with the teacher before the event to receive any make-up work.  
  • Make-up work will be given on a case-by-case basis. Students can earn up to 90% depending on the circumstances. The ensemble relies on everyone attending. 

  • Concert attire will be the same as last year’s honor choir. New students will be fitted by the end of August. The cost for attire is: $70 for dresses, $30 for vest, $10 for bow tie, $20 for pants, $15 for shirts. 

  • Students must provide their own black dress shoes and socks/nylons. No bare legs should be seen. Please wear long black socks, knee highs or nylons/tights. 
  • Students should maintain proper hygiene for concerts. Please don’t come sweaty after sports practice. Please be clean and use deodorant. Body sprays and perfumes should not be used. They can irritate those with allergies or respiratory problems making it difficult for them to perform. 

Memorization & Sight-Singing Assessments 

  • Students will perform their music memorized and will be asked to have periodic memorization tests in preparation for each performance. Students who fail to meet these memorization tests may be asked to sit out of the performance of that piece. Students are still expected to attend the performance in its entirety, regardless of whether they will perform every piece. These will be submitted on canvas, performed for the teacher, or performed in small groups for the class.  

  • Sight Reading Factory will be used again this year. Students will practice and be tested on their ability to sight-read music alone and with a group. Students will be expected to demonstrate proper vocal technique, pitch, rhythm, and solfege accuracy. 

Evaluations & Music Theory 

  • Students will do written evaluations of performances they participate in or others they may attend.  
  • The students will do music theory lessons and assessments throughout the semester. These will be on canvas and 


Calendar (subject to change) We are still working on locations to allow students to perform in auditoriums, concert halls and churches for better acoustics. Please leave the full day open for the students to rehearse, set-up and perform. If involved in another activity, please let Mr. Belliston know. Most performances will be at 7:00pm. We will also be scheduling performances for the National Anthem at school events.

Spring Trip Parent MeetingTBD, make sure you sign up for Remind and check your email
All-State Auditions DueFriday, October 11 ($10 per ensemble audition)
Fall ConcertMonday, October 28
District Honor ClinicNovember 6-7 (Twin Falls High School. ONLY for those invited)
St. Nick FestivalSaturday, December 7
Kimberly’s Got TalentRehearsal: Friday, January 10, Performance: Monday, January 13
All-State FestivalJan 29–Feb 1 (Lewiston ONLY for those who audition and make it.)
The Little MermaidFebruary 20-Mar 1 (only musical theatre students perform)
District Solo and Ensemble March 4 (CSI. All day and everyone will prepare something.)
Spring TripTBA 
District FestivalApril 15-16 (Burley. We will only attend one of those days)
End of Year Concert RehearsalMonday, April 28
State Solo and EnsembleMay 2-3 (Boise. ONLY for those who qualify.)
End of Year ConcertMonday, May 6
High School GraduationThursday, May 23



  • Please add yourself to this class remind by using the app or texting 81010 the code @honorbell 
  • Remind will be used for announcements and for parents/students to message me via my cell phone. 
  • You can always use my email but please do not use my personal cell phone number. 


The National Association for Music Education has released the following statement regarding music with a sacred text. 

  • “It is the position of the National Association for Music Education that the study and performance of religious music within an educational context is a vital and appropriate part of a comprehensive music education. The omission of sacred music from the school curriculum would result in an incomplete educational experience.”  In my class, if a student has personal beliefs that do not permit him or her to perform or rehearse a certain piece of music, notice must be given within a week of it being introduced, so an alternate assignment may be given.  If notice is not given, no alternate assignment will be given and the student will lose points for lack of participation if he/she chooses not to rehearse/perform the piece. 

Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. Belliston – Room 137 & LA Thomas
Phone: 208-423-4170 ext. 3137

Welcome to Musical Theatre! In this performance-centered class, students will learn singing, acting, dancing and technical skills through the performance in a musical theatre setting. Students in the course are from 9-12 grades at Rise and KHS. This course has no prerequisites and this year we will be presenting Disney’s The Little Mermaid in February.

Grading (per semester): Students will be held to a high standard of academic integrity. The following breakdown is to be determined as the semester goes. The percentages are approximate. 

Attendance & Participation50%
Written Work & Assessments15%


Attendance & Participation

  • Students will earn up to 10 points (5 points per class) a week. 
    • 3 points for showing up on time and participating well.
    • 2 points for each class they come prepared with materials needed: music folder, script, one-to-one device, pencil, etc.

      Having their supplies will help them learn best to perform. If students repeatedly forget their material, they may be asked to not perform with the group. 

  • Students will have 2 absences and 1 tardy per semester that will not count against them. Beyond the allowable absences (2) and tardy (1), make-up work for missed classes will only be given for emergency situations (i.e.: funeral, illness, doctor’s appointment, hospitalization or other significant emergencies. Family vacation, lunch date with parent, etc. will count as the two (2) allowable absences but will NOT count as emergency situations). After 6 absences, regardless of reason for absence, special determinations may need to be made since participation, attendance, and performances could be adversely affected by missing so many classes.
  • Students may only use electronic devices with permission of the teacher. If a cell phone is used without permission, the student will leave it with Mr. or Mrs. Belliston and take it to the office the beginning of the next school day to be there until lunch. Please review the school cell phone policy. If another electronic device is used, without permission, the student will leave it with the teacher desk until the end of class.
  • Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. Other food or drink, including gum, is not allowed in class or rehearsal spaces. Students may leave food on the desk next to the stage. Students who do not leave it on the desk will lose up to 2 points.
  • Students will engage in class and participate fully. Participation is the largest measure of success.
  • Students are expected to follow student handbook behavior and dress guidelines. 
  • Students are part of a team, which requires trust and vulnerability. For the students to succeed, members are expected to be honest, respectful, and kind to everyone, both in and out of class. Any behavior that pulls away from the team (bullying, lack of participation, poor effort, etc.) can result in points deducted in participation or the role/responsibility given to another student. In addition to losing participation points for not following directions, behaviors will be logged on edHub and administration will follow through with discipline.

Written Work 

  • Students will demonstrate their knowledge through canvas and other work.
  • There will also be evaluations to help students critically think about their own and others’ performances. 


  • Students need to attend scheduled performances. Each student will arrive by the designated call time, in proper concert attire, with proper hygiene and grooming, focused and ready to work. Students who arrive after call time, or who arrive at call time without meeting the other expectations will lose points for performance. Any conflict with a performance must be communicated with the teacher before the event to receive any make-up work. 
  • In performance situations, it is essential that each student also learn and adhere to proper audience etiquette when not on stage. Proper audience etiquette shows a high standard of excellence at Kimberly High School and is a good example to other members of the audience.

Calendar (subject to change) Performance times and locations are to be determined. Rehearsal calendar for the musical is tentative but will start in October. A more detailed calendar will go out with audition materials.

Spring Trip Parent MeetingWednesday, August 28 @ 6pm
Fall ConcertMonday, October 28
St. Nick FestivalSaturday, December 7
The Little MermaidFebruary 20-March 1 (Performances. Rehearsals start in October.)
Spring TripApril 9-12 (ONLY for those who plan on going and pay)
End of Year Concert RehearsalMonday, April 28
End of Year ConcertMonday, May 5


  • Please add yourself to this class remind by using the app or texting 81010 the code @mtbell
  • Remind will be used for reminders of events and for parents and students to message me via my cell phone. 
  • You can always use my email but please don’t use my personal cell phone number.


Rehearsal Calendar – Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals will be 3:30-6pm. Saturday rehearsals will be 8am-2pm. Students will know which rehearsals they need to come to once they have auditioned. Not everyone will be called to every rehearsal.

                Tuesday, October 1
                Tuesday, October 8
                Tuesday, October 15
                Tuesday, October 22
                Tuesday, October 29
                Tuesday, November 5
                Tuesday, November 12
                Tuesday, November 19
                Tuesday, December 3
                Thursday, December 5
                Tuesday, December 10
                Thursday, December 12
                Tuesday, December 17
                Thursday, December 19
                Tuesday, January 7
                Thursday, January 9
                Saturday, January 11
                Tuesday, January 14
                Thursday, January 16
                Tuesday, January 21
                Thursday, January 23
                Saturday, January 25
                Tuesday, January 28
                Thursday, January 30
                Tuesday, February 4
                Thursday, February 6
                Saturday, February 8
                Tuesday, February 11
                Thursday, February 13
                Saturday, February 15

Dress rehearsals and performances February 18-March 1. Students should expect to be there those 2 weeks Monday through Saturday.